Offering industry-leading comprehensive settlement planning for plaintiff attorneys and their clients.
Offering industry-leading comprehensive settlement planning for plaintiff attorneys and their clients.
In uncertain times it is always a comfort to know that you have an advocate by your side to rely upon. You can count on me to provide dependable service throughout the planning process and beyond. As a committed advocate for the plaintiff, I ensure your best interests are always protected. Relying on a defense broker only ensures that the defendant’s best interests are preserved.
When it comes to protecting your settlement, trust is key. I will make sure that every action taken on your behalf is open and transparent and that together we craft a settlement plan tailored to meet your specific financial needs and goals.
The best guidance requires expertise, insight, objectivity, commitment and unwavering integrity. I measure success using the improved quality of life of each of my clients as my most powerful metric. To this end my philosophy has been proven successful time and time again.
Creating A Brighter Future
With over 20 years of experience in the financial industry, Kimberly Overby, CSSC, CMSP works as a national settlement consultant specializing in areas such as complex settlement planning,
structured settlements, trusts, and government benefit preservation. She advises plaintiff attorneys and their clients in various types of personal injury and wrongful death cases.

I manage financial complexity so that you experience simplicity and success. My holistic approach in planning for your settlement distribution helps you articulate your life goals and develop comprehensive financial strategies to achieve and protect them. I have met this challenge for decades, and my clients have greater confidence and peace of mind due to our alignment.

With decades of experience, I have expertise working with clients from all backgrounds including executives, government leaders, physicians, attorneys, trust beneficiaries, entrepreneurs and those that go to work every day in their career of choice.

Open and honest communication help to build a foundation of trust.

Giving the personal side of money the same attention as the technical. I understand that you are a person and not just a case number.

Competence begins with extensive knowledge. I have completed rigorous coursework in all aspects of financial planning and have successfully achieved some of the most respected and difficult professional designations in the industry.

The love for our family is universal and the greatest motivation to move forward.

You have not lived today until you do something for someone that can never repay you.

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What People Say

QFrancisco Guerra IV
Victims rights attorney
Voted Texas “Super Lawyer” (2006-2019)WHATPEOPLE SAYFor years I have strongly recommended structured settlements to my clients because they are the single best way to guarantee their money is safeguarded. They are the single best way to ensure that my clients maximize their opportunity to live independent lives. They are the single best way to ensure that my clients obtained the justice they deserved. -
QP. B. Wilson
Structured Settlement RecipientWHATPEOPLE SAYNot even a terrible accident can keep a tough Navy man down. In 2007, I was serving on an offshore vessel when an explosion tore through the ship. I was pretty badly injured. I took a structured settlement because I liked the idea of guaranteed money and not having to deal with taxes. “There’s no doubt in my mind that this structured settlement is helping me get my life back together. I’m even learning to play a little B.B. King and Eric Clapton on my guitar. I’m also learning some John Lee Hooker. But there’s one thing that’s for certain: With my structured settlement, I’ll never be playing the blues.