Strategies for a Bear Market
Every bear market feels like the end of the world. As a plaintiff attorney, a bear market looming on the horizon may leave you scrambling to protect your clients, keep your firm’s finances in order and trying to manage your own retirement nest egg, but the reality is we’ve been here before and we’ll be here again.
Surviving a volatile financial market comes down to...

How to Improve Your Mediation Strategy in 2020
The fastest route to resolving your client’s case at mediation is coming to the table armed with an expert and a strong game plan. By bringing a settlement consultant on board as soon as you open a case, not only can you be sure your client is appropriately compensated and their recovery is protected, but in the process, you can also save your firm valuable time and money....

Tax-Free Income with Competitive Returns: Why Your Clients Need to Consider Structured Settlements
Structured settlement critics often advise taking lump sum cash settlements and investing the funds in the open market. While the stock market has historically averaged over 10%, many investors struggle to achieve the same result. Structured settlements provide a competitive solution, with benefits that a lump sum cash settlement can’t match.
Investing the Lump Sum Cash...

A More Flexible Retirement Solution
Most retirement plans leave high earners confused when it comes to tax planning and contribution limits. As a contingency fee attorney, you have an opportunity that is not available to most taxpayers. Attorney fee deferrals are a flexible, tax-advantaged solution for substantially increasing your existing retirement portfolio.
Deferred Income Tax Liability
If you take your...

Earn Tax-Advantaged Supplemental Income Without Lifting a Finger
It’s no secret that a successful legal career doesn’t necessarily equal a predictable paycheck. Case volume ebbs and flows, offering little certainty. Plaintiff attorneys with an eye on the future are wise to explore investment options that deliver regular income with minimal effort. Fortunately, solutions exist that fit the bill without taking time away from your practice....

Securing a Child’s Financial Future
When a child is traumatically injured in an accident or is the recipient of a financial windfall resulting from a settlement involving a parent, the unknowns of the child’s financial future can compound an already emotional transition. Fortunately, there are settlement solutions available to help ensure that the child’s financial future is protected.
Implications of...